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Monday, February 28, 2011

Hair Color

I wanted to do this blog about types of hair color and help those undecided of what color hair
fits them. Before you decide you want to do it yourself think twice (1) if you buy the hair dye
at a drug store most colors there won't come out the color it guarantees you most of them won't
come out as close as the color on the box (2) most of the hair dyes will work on virgin hair, so
think of how many times you have dyed your hair (3) it might grab faster if you haven't dyed your
hair in about months (max 6 months). Also read the hair dye carefully avoid the Semi-Permanent
hair dye it won't last you two days. Now lets decide your hair color!!! (^.^)''

Also this might help you choosing a new haircut and hairstyle don't be afraid to go the opposite
of your hairstyle. 

If your skin tone is "Warm" or "Cool"

If you have golden, olive dark skin or dark eyes then you are "warm."
If you have fair skin , blue or green eyes then you are "cool."
Once you know what if your "warm" or "cool" it is easier to choose your hair color.

Here is a scale to help you find our your skin tone.
Fair Skin and Ivory Skin are  "cool" tones, and Olive Skin
and Dark Skin are "warm" tones.

Choosing the right hair color

If you have warm skin go for shades of brown and bronze darker than your skin tone. If you don't
want to a bronze shade don't go too light always note your skin tone will look darker the lighter you
go. I've been asked if its possible to go blonde. I say if you want to do this i recommend a dark dirty
blonde. But as I have said don't do it yourself or use hair dyes at drugs stores or else your hair will get
super damage and fall of in like dust. Not kidding.

If you are “cool” avoid such colors like gold, copper and auburn. Ash blondes and cool brown will work best for you. If you are seeking a professional to do it ask your hairstylist to help you determine what color best suites your skin tone.

Good news for everyone if you are thinking I want to go red, mostly anyone can go red. But note to choose the right red for you. Also if you want bold colors such as purple, pink, blue etc. anyone could do it and to show you some mixes ill post some pictures of choosing 2 tones of hair color together. 

To help you choose your hair color i will post some pictures. So now you are ready to choose your hair color! (;

Brown Hair Color Tones

Brown and Black Tones 

for more brown hair color tones click here: 

Red Tones

for more red hair color tones click here: 


for more blonde hair color tones click here: 

Multi-Colored Tones

for more multi-colored hair color tones click here: 

More Blonde Hair Tones

More Blonde Hair Tones

More Multi-Colored Hair Tones

More Multi-Colored Tones

More Red Tones

More Red Tones

More Brown Hair Tones

More Brown Hair Tones