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Monday, January 14, 2013

All about the make up!

My favorite brushes to use when applying make up are the 
Sonia Kashuk brushes. It includes a foundation brush, which is
 amazing when applying liquid foundation. 

My favorite foundation is M.A.C studio fix fluid, it has SPF 15 
and it is full cover. It also doesn't feel like heavy, it is more natural 
looking and it doesn't look oily. 

Another foundation that I love best is Clinique, it is amazing in 
summer because it doesn't melt. It can withstand a 80 degree 
weather. I use this foundation in the summer because is less thick, 
it's very transparrent, middle coverage,
it is oil-free and it gives you a matte overall finish to your look.

One of my favorite blushes is this Sephora blush, its peachy 
and it looks like natural and not too pink which I love!

One of my favorite eye shadow palettes is HIP, thiese eyeshadows
help you get the smokey eye shadow look, plush it gives you a 
matte finish to your look.  A plus is that it isn't so expensive, 
and it is available in drug stores.

M.A.C eye shadows have to be my all time favorite, I adore them.
this is a palette that I created for my smokey eye makeup. 

Another favorite palette is the Chanel with four eye shadows,
this palette is for a purple smokey eye. Eyeshadow colors are 
shown in the picture below; Blackberry, Petal, Orchid and Dusk.

For every smokey eye look, I always use this M.A.C black eyeshadow
Carbon, you can't tell I use it a lot right? I need a refill! LOL

For an amazing look I have to use concealer, have you seen my dark
circles? LOL not kidding since I sleep so little and do so much I have
to have a reliable concealer on! Believe it or not this NYX concealer
has done wonders to me, but then what works for me may not work
for anyone else. I give it four stars and two thumbs for the price!

My favorite eye liner is Maybelline Eyestdio, it comes with the brush
that helps you build the best lines and this liner doesn't smudge 
which is awesome if you have a greasy crease. Also the price isn't 
all that expensive and is available in drugstores.

I rarely wear mascarra but two of my favorites are Maybelline Mega
Plush Volum Express mascarra, and M.A.C False Lashes.
I usually justwear fake lashes by M.A.C

I really don't wear powder make up but when I do, 
I wear Michael Giordano mineral powder foundation

My all time favorite bronzer is by VS (Victoria's Secret).
It is only $12 dollars, and it's shimmery, I love it!!

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